Creating a Morning Basket Planner in Notion

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Are you struggling to organize your Morning Baskets and need a Morning Basket planner? Morning Basket planning can be complicated, which is why I organize my early years Morning Basket ideas with Notion! Having all of my plans organized in Notion makes pulling together a preschool Morning Basket a breeze! If you’re wondering how to plan a Morning Basket, read more to learn how I organize my plans!

Click here to read more about our favorite supplies, games, and more for our Preschool Morning Baskets!


Morning Baskets aren’t that hard to put together, if I’m being completely honest. The difficult part is the strategic planning. I can find 5-6 activities to put in a basket for my preschooler. But it’s much harder to develop a plan that strategically targets learning areas and is relatively varied from week to week! That’s where using this free Morning Basket planner comes in!

To see some of our Morning Baskets, click here to see them in action on Pinterest!


What I Include In My Morning Basket Planner

When I first started creating my Morning Basket Planner for Notion, I established the main learning areas I wanted to focus on.

For our Morning Baskets, I focus on Creativity, Fine Motor Skills, Gross Motor Skills, Literacy, Math, and Problem-Solving! I, of course, include activities outside of these six areas sometimes. But these are my main areas of focus.

Once I created a space for each category, I also wanted a way to indicate whether or not the activity was prepped and ready to go yet. This is helpful as I move through our day on Sunday and add a few activities at a time. I can check off that an activity is prepped and see how much I have left to do.

Similarly, I have a checkbox for favorite activities. This makes them easy to identify and makes it easy for me to quickly pull out a beloved activity when I’m feeling less than inspired.

I also included a small description of each activity with a materials list and setup instructions. This is really helpful when I want to return to an activity in a few months but don’t entirely remember how I pulled it together. By saving all of the instructions and materials in my Morning Basket Planner for Notion, I can easily find an old favorite and add it to our basket for the week.

My Morning Basket Planner in Notion

I think the best way to set up a Morning Basket Planner is in Notion. If you’re new to Notion, you can learn more about how to get started here!

Notion is a super intuitive productivity app that allows you to organize just about everything. I created one Database for my Morning Basket Planner and have used multiple database views, filters, and sorts to see all of the information I need quickly and efficiently! I love it for Morning Baskets for a few reasons.

I can filter by what I have planned for this week. When using a Morning Basket planner printable, any plans I hold on to take up space and can be a bit distracting when I search for what I have in mind. With Notion, I can check off the box that says I’m using an activity this week and see that in my “This Week” view!

I can easily see what’s prepped and what materials are needed. Adding a “Prepped” check box makes it easy to see what is and is not prepped. My materials property also quickly shows me what materials I need to gather for an activity!

It’s sooooo organized! My Morning Basket Planner has categories for each of the six areas I’m trying to target. When I find a winter gross motor activity on Pinterest in July, I can just pop it into Notion and add the appropriate tags. It will be waiting for me in December when I’m trying to find a new gross motor activity!

Database Templates make everything uniform. I created a simple template for materials, instructions, and notes. When I create a new Morning Basket Activity, this template automatically populates. I can fill in the blanks and be sure I have exactly what I need to know one year from now when I decide to use the same butterfly activity again!


If you’re curious about using a Morning Basket Planner for Notion, definitely download my free planner and get started right away! It’s really changed the way I plan and implement morning baskets. I hope it transforms your morning baskets as well!

To see more preschool activity ideas, follow me on TikTok! I share ways I’ve organized my life with Notion, including the many toddler/preschool activities we do each day!


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