How To Start To Tot School Your Toddler

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Are you home all day with your toddler and not sure what to do with your time? With daycare and preschool bills no longer affordable for many families, there’s a new group of stay at home moms looking to start a toddler homeschool with their kids! But where do you start with Tot School? I tot school my 2 year old with a simple tot school schedule and tot school curriculum.

Read more to learn how I do preschool at home with my toddler!

Many people hear “homeschool” and think it’s something they could never do or that it involves worksheets and desk work that their child will never sit still for. Toddler homeschool activities should be fun, engaging, and enjoyable for both your toddler and you!


Why Do I Tot School?

I’ve always wanted to homeschool my kids. I’m definitely a secular homeschooler, although some of the resources I use may not be 100% secular. So starting Tot School seemed like a no-brainer.

I also taught public school for almost a decade and a big reason I left the classroom was the complete disregard for developmentally appropriate practices. Children are being trained to read and write well before they’re ready or capable, leading many children to struggle in school.

I don’t want that for my child, or any child. And while I continue to advocate and push for changes in the system, I’m opting out for myself and my kids. I also want to empower other parents, whether their kids are going to public school or not, to support their children in developmentally appropriate ways through my work on TikTok, Pinterest, this website, and my shop!

Other Reasons for Preschool At Home

You may be considering preschool at home for many reasons.

The most likely is that preschool is EXPENSIVE and good preschools are no longer attainable for many families. I know for our family, I am able to bring home almost the same income tutoring and with my side hustles than I would teaching and putting my child in daycare.

Preschools have also jumped on the early reading bandwagon and may look more like mini-first grades instead of preschools. Teachers have goals to meet an if your child isn’t meeting those goals, it’s frustrating for everyone.

Another major reason for me is that being a Stay At Home Mom can get really, really boring. There’s obviously more to do with more children but while staying home with one isn’t always sunshine and rainbows, the days can be looong without something planned.

I’m sure there are many other, very personal, reasons for starting tot school at home with your toddler. I would love to hear more about them over on my TikTok!

What Does Tot School Look Like?

Tot School is one part chaos, one part learning, and one part curiosity. No two days are the same. We are just figuring out what’s fun and engaging for my daughter and that, of course, changes minute by minute.

For me, arts and crafts are important. Nursery rhymes are important. Reading books is very important. Independent play and time outside are EXTREMELY important.

We have a weekly and daily rhythm that changes as our lives change. The most important part is that if we don’t get to something, I don’t stress. If we need to all it quits for the day, I don’t stress about it. Stress is the opposite of what Tot School should look like.

Because you don’t actually have to Tot School. Your child will be just fine playing and living life until they get to kindergarten without having any sort of structured preschool.

What Types of Toddler Homeschool Activities Do We Do?

That’s really up to you! We read tons of books, go on walks, and play games. We do arts and crafts and bake and clean the house.

I would say I’m an eclectic homeschooler and I mix Montessori, Waldorf, and Charlotte Mason inspirations. I love Charlotte Mason’s approach the most, though it doesn’t really take hold until first grade!

There’s no right or wrong way to Tot School. You can do as much or as little as you’d like. You can follow a curriculum 100% or 10% or not have a curriculum at all! That’s the beauty of Tot School!

We do NOT do workbooks, worksheets, or any sort of desk work. Though you may see it in many curricula aimed at toddlers and preschoolers, it’s definitely not developmentally appropriate.

How Long Is A Tot School Schedule

As I’ve mentioned, every day is different. We follow a rhythm over a schedule and it allows us to move through each part of our day with as much or as little time as we need! The actual focused learning portions of our day are less than 30 minutes total broken into very short pieces. Some days it’s much shorter than that. This isn’t including reading, I probably read close to 10 books a day. It seems like a lot but when you do three before bed and one at random times throughout the day and morning, it’s very easy to do!

What Do We Do All Day

I try to keep any “learning” activities, so something that I’ve planned for the purpose of teaching or exploring a concept, to the morning. I also keep arts and crafts for right before lunch so we have a hard stop time and I have time to clean up while she’s napping or resting.

I count the afternoon as Tot School as well, even though it’s likely more reading, nature walks, or independent play. All of this is important and really should be something your toddler does regardless of tot schooling or not!


Are you considering Tot School for your toddler? What sorts of activities do you hope to include in your day? I can’t wait to hear all about them!

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