Want to Learn How to Make Money from Home? (Revealing My Best Kept Secret!)

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Are you interested in making money from home but aren’t sure where to start? Who isn’t?! But honestly, there’s a lot of crap out there when it comes to starting an online business. Whether you’re looking for resources on affiliate marketing for beginners or want to create digital products to sell, my business mentor Leonie Dawson has the best stuff if you’re looking to cut through the noise and become an online entrepreneur! Plus, she can teach you how to get it all done in a 10 hour work week. I know it sounds like way too good to be true but it’s not. Curious? Keep reading to learn more!

Don’t want to read more? Check out Leonie Dawson’s amazing free resources here and make a decision for yourself!

Let me start by giving you some good news and some bad news. The good news, fantastic news really, is that Leonie Dawson has something called the Brilliant Biz and Life Academy. It includes ALL her courses and resources, monthly coaching calls, workshops, guest speakers, and more. The REALLY fantastic news is you get all of this for $199. Not a month. TOTAL. FOR THE ENTIRE YEAR. The bad news? Doors only open a few times a year. You can learn more about the academy here and wait it out until doors (hopefully) open again soon! If you want to learn more about Leonie’s courses and purchase a la cart, keep reading for my review!


If you’re looking to learn some AMAZING copywriting skills to get your offers out into the world and sold, this course is for you! There are 4 weeks of trainings, checklists, templates, and live rounds included with this course! If you’re anything like me, creating the product is the fun part but selling it…not so much. Leonie changes that with Sales Star and makes you go from average to…well, a Sales Star!

Work Less, Earn More

This is the first course of Leonie’s I took and honestly, it’s my favorite. I was spending WAY too much time on things that don’t matter (making crappy TikToks no one watches? YEP!) and not enough time on the things that do. I took Leonie’s course and doubled my income the following month, while holding my boundaries and working significantly less than I was! Leonie works a 10 hour work week and while that’s my goal, getting down below 20 hours has been a game changer! Work Less, Earn More is a must take course, especially if you’re working full time while starting your business or are a mom like me trying to work around nap schedules!

Marketing Without Social Media

This is another one of my favorite Leonie courses! It is SO tempting to think TikTok or Instagram are your ticket to success. And if you spend enough time figuring out how to do it, it can be. But that takes time and I didn’t have it. Instead of spending my time on social, I shifted my focus back to this blog, creating opt-ins that provided value, doing keyword research, sending emails…things that actually matter! One day, when I have more time or more money and can outsource something I’m currently doing, I’ll pick up social media. But I took Marketing Without Social Media I’m doing perfectly fine without it and my sanity is thanking me!

40 Days to Create and Sell Your E-Course

In 40 Days to Create and Sell Your E-Course, Leonie shares how she’s sold millions in courses and how you can do the same! She’ll walk you through getting your course into the world step by step from brainstorming to marketing and selling. If you’re interested in creating digital products to sell, this is the course for you!


Have I convinced you yet?! Leonie’s resources are incredible, affordable, and impactful! She is outrageously generous and an amazing mentor, coach, and business person. I am so grateful I stumbled into Leonie’s universe!

If you’re able to sign up for the Brilliant Biz and Life Academy, do so here! If doors are closed and you want to wait it out, check out Leonie Dawson’s amazing free resources in the meantime!


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