New Year’s Day Traditions

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Are you looking for New Year’s Day traditions? Do you need new New Year’s family activities? New Year’s Day can be meaningful and impactful! Check out these New Year’s Day activities for kids. There are so many meaningful, connected New Year’s Day Activities, there’s sure to be one you love!

Keep reading for 5 New Year’s Day traditions for kids and families you will love!

I love the New Year! Setting goals, reflecting on the previous year, and gearing up for the year ahead has always been one of my favorite things to do. But celebrating the new year can be overwhelming with kids, especially young kids. Even if there’s a late night, you can still try these fun activities to start your new year off right!


Watch the Sunrise

It might be tricky to get everyone up but there’s no better way to start the new year than watching the sunrise and drinking some coffee and hot chocolate.

I really think the best place to watch the first sunrise of the year is on the beach. If you live near the east coast and can get everyone up and in the car in time, watching the first sunrise of the year over the water is well worth it.

But honestly, is there a bad place to watch the sunrise? Getting fresh air first thing in the morning is key but even shuffling everyone to an east-facing window to take it in works!

As a bonus, everyone will be ready for the first nap of the year shortly after breakfast!

Take a Pajama Hike

Hikes are fun but hikes in your pajamas are more fun. You might get a few looks but it’ll be much easier to get everyone out the door if they’re already dressed!

This is a great way to start the year, especially if you’re doing a 1000 Hours Outside challenge or have set a resolution for more outdoors time or more family hikes!

It doesn’t have to be a particularly long hike, do what works best for your family! The fresh air and the family time are what really matter!

Have a Reading Day

This idea is especially great if you live somewhere cold! Create a blanket fort in the living room and spend the day reading and snuggling.

If you have older kids, you can probably get away with spending the entire day like this. With younger children, you may have to come back to your reading places a few times throughout the day.

Whether it’s 20 minutes or 2 hours or a full day affair, everyone can rest and recharge for the new year!

Board Game Marathon

I may put this as an idea for every holiday because I love a good board game. This tradition is especially great if you gift board games for Christmas. Let everyone choose their favorite game, set them up around the house, and play! It’s a classic family activity that is just as great for toddlers as it is adults!

Can’t get enough of the board games? You can extend this tradition by choosing a new night for a weekly or monthly family game night! It’s an easy family ritual that helps build your family culture and bond.

Start New Hobbies

I know many people get new hobby supplies for Christmas. New Year’s Day is a great time to get started with your new hobby! Everyone can rest and recharge while trying out their new projects before heading back to work and school.

A great family hobby to try is working on puzzles or doing some home DIY projects. While your kids may not be jumping for joy over reorganizing, they may love helping you sort puzzle pieces. We like to keep a puzzle on the table to work on between Christmas and New Year’s Day. We can work on it when we have time and it’s fun to do as a family!


I hope these ideas help you create a new meaningful New Year’s Day tradition for your family! What New Year’s Day tradition are you most excited for? Let me know over on Pinterest by checking out this idea pin!


Inspirational New Year’s Quotes: Part Two


First Year Blogging Goals