Thanksgiving Traditions To Start This Year

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In case you’re new around here, I love traditions. I think we, as a culture, got away from family and community traditions for a bit and are just starting to realize how important they are not only for our children but for our family and community health. Here are five Thanksgiving Traditions to start this year that are sure to become family favorites! Some are simple ways to elevate classics and others may be brand new to your family!


Parade Breakfast

Dinner is the big star of Thanksgiving but this is the last time to enjoy those pumpkin recipes before gingerbread takes over! Make pumpkin cinnamon rolls (We buy ours from Trader Joes at the beginning of the season, they sell out fast!), a french toast casserole, or make-ahead breakfast sandwiches are all easy additions if you’re doing the bulk of the cooking. You could also have a cereal buffet, which would be the simplest of all and probably end up being your kids favorite Thanksgiving memory.

Once breakfast is prepared, or poured, set out a tablecloth or picnic blanket on the floor in front of the TV. Pop on the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and enjoy! If you’re cooking, this is a great way to get everything in the oven while the kids are entertained!

Grateful Tablecloth

Purchase a white or light-colored tablecloth and fabric pen or marker. Before dinner (ideally before the table is set but that’s not always possible!) have each guest write one thing they’re grateful for, their name, and the date.

At the end of the day, wash the table cloth (hence the fabric marker!) and store it for next year. Repeat each year until you have a tablecloth full of gratitude from family and friends.

Try New Pie

Every family has those one or two pies that MUST be on the table. But there are so many pies out there and Thanksgiving is a great time to try them!

Find a few new pie recipes at the beginning of November. One night at dinner, take a vote on the new pie for the year and decide who is helping with each part of the pie-making process.

On Thanksgiving Day, try out your new pie! You might have a new family favorite on your hands!

Nature Walk

If you’re visiting family on Thanksgiving, this is a great idea for the morning of Thanksgiving. If you’re cooking at home, save it for post-dinner, pre-cleanup.

Find a nature trail, hike, or just stroll around your neighborhood. It’s a great time to reconnect with family, digest some food, and get some fresh air on an indoor heavy day! Plus, the cool air hitting your very warm face from being inside with a few more people than usual is one of my favorite feelings!

Simmer Pot

Our memories are so strongly associated with smell. While there are plenty of smells on Thanksgiving, putting a simmer pot on the stove after dinner while you play a game or watch a movie is a great way to push out the turkey scent and make your home feel warm and cozy.

Here’s the perfect simmer pot for Thanksgiving Day:

-2 Cups Water

-4 Cinnamon Sticks

-1 Sliced Apple (can just slice through the core and include!)

-1 Orange Peel (from a whole orange)

-2 Sprigs of Rosemary

-2 Tablespoons of Whole Cloves


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