Winter Solstice Traditions: Part Two

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Are you looking for Winter Solstice traditions? Happy Winter Solstice! Here are five more Winter Solstice traditions for kids and Winter Solstice traditions are perfect December activities! Start a new Winter Solstice Ritual and get ideas of things to do for the first day of Winter!


Create a Winter Solstice Lantern

Many cultures create lanterns to use on or around the Winter Solstice. Create your own and use them on a Lantern Walk after the sun goes down on the Winter Solstice! There are plenty of ways to create a lantern, from wool felting a jar to placing a battery-operated tea light in a paper bag!

Decorate an Outdoor Tree

Gather sticks, pinecones, and other fallen objects to make ornaments! Even without lights, your outdoor trees can shine when you dress them up for the solstice! This is a fun activity and can double as a way to care for animals in your area that may no longer have access to bird feeders! Just roll pinecones in peanut butter (or another bird safe butter like sunflower seed!) and add bird friendly seeds! Hang them up outside!

Release and Start Clean

Write down anything you’d like to release before starting the new year on a piece of paper. Then, either in your fireplace or bonfire or another fire-safe area, toss your words into the fire and watch them disappear! It’s a great bonding activity and way for everyone to start the new year fresh!

Make and Light Candles

On the darkest day, let homemade light be your guide! Beeswax candles are relatively easy to make for most children and they’ll love rolling the wax into a candle! Gift some candles to others to add light to their evening and, once the sun goes down, light your own candles. Enjoy a meal or a board game by candlelight!

Tell Stories with Shadows

Create shadow puppets or learn how to make shapes with your hands and tell stories in the shadows by candlelight or flashlight! Bonus points if your story is about the Winter Solstice. You can even set up a blanket and pillow fort in your living room to make this an extra cozy tradition!


Winter Quotes Part Two


Winter Quotes