How to Create a Family Vision Board

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Are you looking to create a family vision board as a family bonding activity this year? Do you need family vision board ideas? Family vision board ideas and goal setting are great activities to build an intentional family culture. Add a family vision board to your family goal setting ideas and bring your family’s dreams to life!

Keep reading to learn more about family vision boarding and how to create one with your family!

If you’ve never created a family vision board before, it’s easy to get intimidated by the steps involved or too overwhelmed to start. But family vision boards can be a great tool when building an intentional, tight-knit family culture!


Get Clear On Your Family Vision

Before you create your family vision board, you need to get clear on your family vision. What, exactly, does your family want? What do you need?

Getting on the same page as a family is important but requires vulnerability and work. For a deeper dive into creating and clarifying your family’s vision and vibe, check out this article here! It’s a deep dive into creating a strong foundation for your family culture!

Remember, This Isn’t Written in Stone

Your family is constantly changing, growing, and outgrowing and your family vision should do the same. You shouldn’t be making weekly or even monthly changes but you’ll know when it’s time to reevaluate things.

I like to check in once a year, the new year or your wedding anniversary is a great time to do this! We usually start doing a family inventory and reevaluate all of our goals in mid-December as our anniversary is December 14. It gives us time to marinate with the end goal of New Year’s Day to really settle on any new goals.

Gather Your Supplies

Once you’ve got a clear idea on what your family vision is, it’s time to gather your supplies. A digital vision board is a bit difficult to do as a group unless everyone’s working in the same document on a separate device. I prefer an old fashioned hardcopy vision board for family vision boarding.

You can make this as elaborate as you’d like but you’ll likely need:

  • Poster Board

  • Scissors

  • Glue

  • Markers

  • Photos

You can get photos online from Pinterest or Google Images. You can also get them from magazines or catalogs! If you have a large stack of magazines to cut up, that’s wonderful. If not, have someone manning the computer to help gather images as you’re brainstorming.

Plan Out Your Vision

There’s not really a “correct” way to vision board but many people like to have a plan. When creating your family vision board, it can help to think in categories.

For example, you could have categories for home, travel, work, school, leisure and hobbies, traditions, and routines. Then, roughly assign those categories to different parts of your poster board. You could even write the categories on the poster board as you’re going to cover it up with images anyways.

Having your vision organized and easy to see can be a great way to focus in on the things you really want.

Or Don’t!

There’s no rule that says you have to organize your vision board! So if thinking of categories or trying to organize photos before gluing them down is stressing you out, don’t plan it out!

A vision board created by the sheer chaos of everyone in your family gluing down whatever their heart desires (that’s aligned with your vision, of course) can be a beautiful representation of your family's vision and culture. This is supposed to be a fun bonding activity. If it’s stressing you out or causing harm, save it for another day or rethink the rules!

Create Your Vision Board

You’ve got your materials, you’ve planned (or not planned) your vision board…now the fun starts! It’s time to create your family vision board!

Share Your Visions

While it’s not necessary for everyone to share about every picture they’re gluing down and how/why it aligns to the family mission, it can be incredibly powerful to share at least some of the ideas. Certain pictures may be representations or more abstract than others and having an explanation can be really helpful when using the vision board as a tool later on. Other images, especially when coming from your smallest child, may be extremely literal and the meaning isn’t understood until they tell you more.

Remember the reason you’re creating your vision board. The creating the vision board helps you create the vision, to bring it to life in your home. Getting vulnerable and sharing is a major piece of the family culture puzzle and this is a safe activity in which to practice!

Display Your Vision Board

Your vision board is done! Congratulations! Now, display it proudly in your home! Ideally where you’ll see it each and every day. You want your family to look at your vision and be reminded of your family mission and the feeling you want pulsing through your home to make it home.

Creating your vision board is only half the battle. Actually using it and seeing it often throughout the year or until it’s time to update again is the other half!

How to Use Your Vision Board

There are so many meaningful ways to use your family vision board. The most impactful way would be to check in on your vision during family meetings or dinners.

Discuss ways to work towards your mission together as a family. If there are any stumbling blocks along the way, work together to climb over them or clear the path. If there are certain events, traditions, or destinations involved, discuss when and how you’ll do each of these things!


Have you made a family vision board before? How has it impacted your family culture? I would love for you to share with me!

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