The ULTIMATE List of Preschool Homeschool Supplies!

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Do you want to start homeschooling but aren’t sure what supplies for preschool at home you even need? I love our fully stocked preschool homeschool room! We have all the preschool homeschool supplies we could ever need. Let me share my preschool homeschool ideas with you so you’re ready to teach and learn! Check out the ultimate home preschool supplies list!

TLDR? Click here to head to my Amazon Storefront for my full list of preschool homeschool supplies!


I want to really reiterate that you don’t actually NEED much of anything to get started with your preschool at home! But there are quite a few things that make your life easier. I was an elementary school teacher in a former life and had a jumpstart on my homeschool collection. Remember to build your homeschool collection slowly and come back to the full list whenever you’d like!

Want a smoother morning that doesn’t involve the TV? Click here to learn all about how I create a Preschool Morning Basket!


Books for Homeschool Teachers

I’ll be sharing my curriculum choices for the new school year soon but there are also some books on my shelf that I absolutely love for engaging preschool lessons at home. You could really complete the preschool years using Preschool Math at Home, What Your Preschooler Needs To Know, and The Homegrown Preschooler alone!

The Big Stuff

If you’re starting from scratch, there are some things that would be really great to add to your homeschool room over time. A learning tower is invaluable in the kitchen for both teaching and surviving with little ones. And while art and sensory tables aren’t required, they definitely help keep you organized and contain the mess!

Preschool Homeschool Ideas for Play Based Learning

When you say “I’m homeschooling my preschooler.” people usually think you’re doing worksheets and drilling the ABCs! But your home preschool should actually be filled with play! Here are some supplies for play based learning preschool homeschool ideas!

Literacy Home Preschool Supplies

Just because we aren’t doing worksheets doesn’t mean we aren’t laying the foundation for learning how to read! As long as your child is showing interest, it’s 100% fine to start working with letters, practicing phonological awareness, and building the literacy muscles that will support them for the rest of their life!

Math Preschool Homeschool Supplies

In addition to teaching early literacy skills, early math skills are so important and go beyond just counting! Shapes, sorting, colors, and patterns are all part of your child’s early math foundation! These supplies make teaching these skills a little bit easier!

Art Ideas for the Preschool Homeschool Room

My preschooler’s favorite part of the day is art! She loves creating and making new projects! Here are some of our favorite art supplies for our preschool homeschool!

Looking for more art supplies? You can read ALL about our Preschool Art Table here!

Music Supplies for Preschool at Home

The second best part of our day for my little one is music time! While we’re hoping to start Prodigies soon, we’ve been having tons of fun with music activities at home so far!

Supplies for Fine Motor Skills

One of the most important things you can do for your little one is help strengthen their hand muscles and fine motor skills. You’ll notice there are no workbooks on this list. That’s because little hands aren’t quite ready to hold a pencil and complete workbooks yet! Instead, work on hand strengthening and fine motor skills instead!

Gross Motor Skills Supplies

This category of supplies will also feel like mostly play…because it is! Developing gross motor skills is so important for little ones! The best way to do this is to get outside every day and interact with nature. You can give a helping hand with some of these gross motor supplies!

STEM Favorites

Science is so exciting for little ones! They love experimenting, learning, building, and understanding cause and effect. Here are some of my favorite supplies and toys that support STEM learning!

Games for Learning and Relationship Building

Early board games are great not just for learning traditional school concepts but for taking turns, sportsmanship, and strategy! They’re also wonderful for building relationships and for growing traditions in your family! Here are some of my favorite games!


Phew! This was quite a long post but somehow my complete supply list on Amazon is longer! You can check out all of my favorite Preschool Homeschool Supplies by clicking here. I hope this list has inspired you to get started planning and organizing your own preschool homeschool supplies!

To see more toddler activity ideas, follow me on Pinterest! I share ways I’ve organized my life with Notion, including the many toddler/preschool activities we do each day!


Homeschool Planning with Notion


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