Our Weekly Preschool Homeschool Rhythm

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So you’ve decided to homeschool your toddler but have no idea how to fill your days. Rather than a rigid tot school schedule or toddler homeschool schedule, we use a preschool homeschool rhythm. Heavily influenced by Waldorf Weekly Rhythm for Toddlers, our weekly rhythm gives us time to learn and rest while also ensuring we have structure and things to do!

Keep reading for all of my homeschool rhythm ideas!

Rhythms and schedules are similar except a schedule can box you in. While some days need a schedule, most don’t. A weekly rhythm repeats week after week, adjusting slightly for the season or special events or off days. Our weekly rhythm is Waldorf inspired but I don’t consider myself a Waldorf homeschooler for a number of reasons I won’t get into here.

Something important to share about our current weekly rhythm is that it’s not ideal. We are living with my parents and are in the midst of a major transition. If we were in our own space and could leave our own creative messes around the house, we would probably have a different rhythm! I still want to share though because I think it’s still helpful to see!



Sundays are our Toy Rotation day! I don’t have any classes on Sunday and I only work during nap time on the weekends, which makes Sunday the perfect day to start fresh with new toys. I’m definitely not perfect about changing things out weekly but I try my best to see which toys we’ve used and which ones haven’t been touched.

I also use this time to check our art supplies and freshen them up for the week and evaluate our sensory bins from the week. If something has been very well loved, I’ll try to extend it another week or think of a similar activity to explore for the upcoming week!


Mondays are for baking. Once we move, Saturday and Sunday will be our big baking days but there are too many people in the house on the weekend right now for baking! I like to make a loaf of bread, muffins, and a dessert although I definitely don’t make all three or even two every week. Whatever we have time and patience for that day is enough!

We also do Mail Monday most Mondays! I have all of our family and friends written on popsicle sticks. We pick someone new to send a note to each week. Having Mail Monday built into our week is helpful around birthdays and holidays when we need to send thank you notes!

Obviously, the toddler isn’t writing or even drawing anything recognizable right now. But people love getting mail and it’s such a great habit to build now.


Tuesday is playground day, usually with dad! I spend most of Tuesday working on either my business or tutoring so dad and Penelope head to the playground!


I change our Sensory Bins out on Wednesday. I don’t love to change out our setups daily, I think that’s too much work right now, but changing them once a week is perfect!

I try to create 2-3 setups for the week that way they’re prepped and ready to go. If one flops, I have another waiting to go! And if one is really popular, I have 2 more ready for the next week!


We love a good structured craft project! Thursdays are arts and crafts! We may do some painting, coloring, or create something for a holiday or as a gift. Whatever we’re feeling called to do that day is what gets done!


Friday is family day! I usually get work done in the morning and then after nap we might watch a movie or go on an adventure together! We try to plan something a little more special for family day as it’s the only time we really have to spend together that’s not during the evening rush!


We use Saturday as home reset day! We change the sheets, do a quick vacuum, and wash the windows. If there are any cleaning or organizing projects, we tackle these on Saturday as well!


I hope this weekly rhythm both inspired you and reassured you that your weekly rhythm doesn’t have to be jam-packed to be effective. It can ebb and flow just like your life does. The most important thing is that it works for you and your homeschoool!

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